Friday, 25 May 2012

Boredom makes a baker out of me:)

Ok,so you all know I have finished my exam and that means I have a lot of free time on me hand so  have been staying at home for a while with nothing to do...I decided to be creative and decided to try some baking with left over ingredients and I was surprised at how good my baking was....:)
It came out very soft and nice and yummy but I have to say that I should have sifted my cinnamon powder cos the particles were too" big or grainy"
BTW:Excuse the last one on the bottom left-I had to do a taste test.

1 comment:

  1. These look soo yummy!! Great job!!
    Pray your exams went well.
    By the way sis, I gave you and award, check out my blog for more.



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