Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Honing make up skills-Green Emerald

I've been working on my make up skills because I wanna do free lance make up on the side to accrue some cash to support me now that i dont get student loans anymore....so here is me practising....Feel free to contact me if you want me to do your make up-trial or official.
I will leave my number here:07508819683....dont worry I am covered my the blood of Jesus so no one will harass me because I put my number on the internet just like that:) plus my number will be on my website soon when I launch it anyway...
Make up used:
Mac Pink Plaid lipstick
Mac Foundation
Mac concealer
Mac cargo eyeshadow
Rimmel eyebrow pencil
Benefit highlighter
MUA bronzer used as face powder
Natural Blotting sheets
Cargo Blush in matte deep pink
Maybelline emerald eyeshadow
Lip pencil from beauty shop

The camera makes it look blue but the eyeshadow is actually a shimmery green:)


Thanks for the reading and commenting
Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.xx