Thursday, 24 May 2012

Glossy Box May 2012:1-Year Anniversary Review

I have just received my first glossy box after subscribing a few days ago and it just so happens that they had just celebrated their first anniversary since their launch.In light of that,I expected a rather generous box* but its good all the same, and I dont think I regret paying £12.95 for that yet eventhough comparing this box to previous ones....this is not (all that).
I must say the packaging and everything is brilliant(as I expected it)so they get a tick for that.
I will however review the products and use them well to monitor exactly what it does for me and I will let you know whether it is worth subbing or not. 
If you are interested however,before that happens,feel free to sub through this link,I think i get some points for that...I am not entirely sure of it....USE THIS LINK.
Here are some pictures:)

All images are mine unless stated otherwise.

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