Wednesday, 30 May 2012

One-stop Fashion Intern shopping...interested?

My very brief advice will be to jump on Jennifer Rosellen's blog and click on internships.The roles publicised are roles for those interested in fashion,beauty and web designing etc roles.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Honing make up skills-Green Emerald

I've been working on my make up skills because I wanna do free lance make up on the side to accrue some cash to support me now that i dont get student loans here is me practising....Feel free to contact me if you want me to do your make up-trial or official.
I will leave my number here:07508819683....dont worry I am covered my the blood of Jesus so no one will harass me because I put my number on the internet just like that:) plus my number will be on my website soon when I launch it anyway...
Make up used:
Mac Pink Plaid lipstick
Mac Foundation
Mac concealer
Mac cargo eyeshadow
Rimmel eyebrow pencil
Benefit highlighter
MUA bronzer used as face powder
Natural Blotting sheets
Cargo Blush in matte deep pink
Maybelline emerald eyeshadow
Lip pencil from beauty shop

The camera makes it look blue but the eyeshadow is actually a shimmery green:)

Friday, 25 May 2012

Boredom makes a baker out of me:)

Ok,so you all know I have finished my exam and that means I have a lot of free time on me hand so  have been staying at home for a while with nothing to do...I decided to be creative and decided to try some baking with left over ingredients and I was surprised at how good my baking was....:)
It came out very soft and nice and yummy but I have to say that I should have sifted my cinnamon powder cos the particles were too" big or grainy"
BTW:Excuse the last one on the bottom left-I had to do a taste test.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Glossy Box May 2012:1-Year Anniversary Review

I have just received my first glossy box after subscribing a few days ago and it just so happens that they had just celebrated their first anniversary since their launch.In light of that,I expected a rather generous box* but its good all the same, and I dont think I regret paying £12.95 for that yet eventhough comparing this box to previous ones....this is not (all that).
I must say the packaging and everything is brilliant(as I expected it)so they get a tick for that.
I will however review the products and use them well to monitor exactly what it does for me and I will let you know whether it is worth subbing or not. 
If you are interested however,before that happens,feel free to sub through this link,I think i get some points for that...I am not entirely sure of it....USE THIS LINK.
Here are some pictures:)

All images are mine unless stated otherwise.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Any tips to hlep make up stay on in sunny temps?...

Just wondering seems like it is quite difficult for make up to stay on one's face in this temperature.I've always known that somehow,yet some people seem to be able to wear really nice make up and it doesn't seem to run and I wanna figure what make tricks they use so I can test it on myself so if you have any,please feel free to leave it down below.

sourced from google

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Product Review:Quickies nail polish remover

Ok,so I know many of you do not know about this product because it is so easy to miss.Its one of those products that you would not think will be available in that packaging or ....
It is such an interesting one and when I saw it,I was,whoever thought of this very clever.Now,I say this because so far as I am concerned,nail polish come in a big tube of liquid usually packed with quite a percentage of alcohol which tends to dry your nails and basically that is bad for your nails......
so,when I found this,I was rather impressed because it is such a simple idea of a product with nice packaging and also very is like wipes essentially.
  • It comes in 20 nail remover pads,
  • It has some sort of oil in it also has vitamin B5  in it so that is a bonus.
  • You just wipe it on your nails to get rid of any polish on it and one pad can clean nail polish on all 5 fingers on a hand or more depending on how many coats you applied but it is really nice to use and most of all it smells soooooo goooood which is why I am recommending.
This product does actually work well which is why I am telling you about it so if you are interested....check your local drug store.

I bought it from Superdrug for £2.09(I'm not sure if it is sold outside the UK but check your local drug stores)
Other alternatives I have not tried are available HERE.
Btw:You've sold me if your product looks or smells good.
PS:I was not asked to review this,I just thought it would help some of us girls who use nail polishes.

Hair products that have worked for me

These products have been on my shelf for close to 2 and a half years.I have bought them again and again after use because i like how they feel on my hair...not tooo greasy,nice smell,more shine to my hair etc...They are my go-to basically and I reckon I will be using them for a long time.....:)
  • mango & lime brand products
  • organics hair mayonnaise
  • regular olive oil
  • good old water
The last three  below are quite recent and I am still monitoring exactly what they do to my hair but this is what I have noticed about them and I got the Almond and Castor oil after recommendations from you guys but I do like them so far esp the Castor oil
  • castor oil-for sleek hair dos and volume
  • I-C hair polisher carrot growth hair moisturiser-for nice smelling hair and shine
  • Almond oil-for hair health

Hair update:Natural hair length

Just over 2weeks ago,I decided to do a hair update and measure the length of my hair as I am working a bit hard at the moment to see some hair growth as well as health which is one of the reasons why I have a protective style on at the moment(weave).
It is currently at 19inches and I want it to get longer somehow and it will happen.
My hair feels a lot lighter this year than it felt last year and I need that volume back cos it just feels good...I miss long is your hair...I'm curious to know(just curious) and this question is for those with hair growing out of their own scalp whether it is natural or relaxed cos they both inspire me....take a look at the photos below peeps....