Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Product Review:Quickies nail polish remover

Ok,so I know many of you do not know about this product because it is so easy to miss.Its one of those products that you would not think will be available in that packaging or ....
It is such an interesting one and when I saw it,I was like...wow,whoever thought of this very clever.Now,I say this because so far as I am concerned,nail polish come in a big tube of liquid usually packed with quite a percentage of alcohol which tends to dry your nails and basically that is bad for your nails......
so,when I found this,I was rather impressed because it is such a simple idea of a product with nice packaging and also very portable...it is like wipes essentially.
  • It comes in 20 nail remover pads,
  • It has some sort of oil in it also has vitamin B5  in it so that is a bonus.
  • You just wipe it on your nails to get rid of any polish on it and one pad can clean nail polish on all 5 fingers on a hand or more depending on how many coats you applied but it is really nice to use and most of all it smells soooooo goooood which is why I am recommending.
This product does actually work well which is why I am telling you about it so if you are interested....check your local drug store.

I bought it from Superdrug for £2.09(I'm not sure if it is sold outside the UK but check your local drug stores)
Other alternatives I have not tried are available HERE.
Btw:You've sold me if your product looks or smells good.
PS:I was not asked to review this,I just thought it would help some of us girls who use nail polishes.

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