Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Jo Malone peony suede blush cologne review

I recently received a sample of this jo Malone perfume before it was sent to stores not because I am an insider but I did some research and I found that they were giving some samples away on their website.
I am very confused about the smell and the notes.It is so unfamiliar to me to the point that when I received it,I was immediately impressed-(not a lie)
It smells good and it definitely grows on you/me.I think I like the top and middle notes but there's something quite odd and sort of mature about it that makes me unsure of it.
The ingredients are rose,red apple,jasmine and gillyflower.
Now, before I proceed,I have to confess that I've no idea what a gillyflower is like but it definitely adds some sort of touch to this cologne that makes it subtle,powerful,rich and present.Its no surprise the cologne is described as charming,seductive and luxurious;it definitely communicates something that will make you curious about it.
Price ranges between  £39 for 30ml and £78 for 100ml.
I think it will be ideal for very confident sexy women between 25 and 35 to me.
I do not think it communicates the language of young women especially those who are finding themselves.If you are in that age bracket and this convinces you,check your nearest counter or alternatively on the website  HERE Jo Malone Website

Good luck!!!!

Ps:it lingers for quite a while...To me,it's interesting in a beautiful sense hence the fuss.

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