Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Avon Moroccan Argan Oil Leave in Treatment Review

recently orderered the product mentioned above from Avon and I have been impressed by it so I have decided to do blogpost on it for those of you who are not following my YouTube here(Matilda boe)
It's a leave in treatment for all hair types which means you don't have to wash it away after use.it has the consistency of a serum and it's almost as thick as castor oil it almond oil.
I have been using a lot of oils in the past and castor oil was the closest to make a difference to my hair.This is not to suggest that the other oils are not good,my hair didn't just work well with it.
I have however used the Moroccan Argan leave in for a month now and it has worked wonderfullly on my hair.All the hair I lost on my edges a while back are growing now which means my hair is healthy and is able to retain all the nutrients and moisture I need to support my transitioning.
Below is picture evidence of progress

Before-August 2013

After-5th oct 2013

3rd October 2013

My observations over time.This is a highly recommended product in my books so if you have this hair problem,then hurry to your next Avon rep or alternatively,you can purchase some from my EBay account here(texttexttiles2013)

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