Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Combating oily skin

I get the question about oily skin, oily fore head and nose all the time-I always laugh because I spent most of my teens and early 20’s trying to get over that problem.

Here’s the problem with most of us; we have a routine for our bodies(having a shower/bath)and hair(washing/cowashing/styling) and mouth(brushing teeth) everyday but we don't have any routine for our faces and that's bad.

I say that because I never had one until I realise my skin was changing as I aged.
Our skin changes and reacts with age, weather conditions, hormonal changes, climate changes etc. so its important that we also evolve in our understanding of this so we can respond and prepare to age gracefully.

These methods are not fool proof but they work if you are consistent and have a healthy diet to supplement .I have tried some of these hence the recommendations.
As always, find what works for you and stick to it. Feel free to change it if you change environment or anything else changes.
  • Try masks-homemade or natural ones like the raw cacao and coconut from Evolve beauty listed below is good. You can try honey or natural yoghurts-do this once a week as too much of it is also bad for your skin.
  • Exfoliate- up to 3 times a week max-use a clarisonic or hand glove exfoliator.
  • Cleanse-through cleaning of your skin-get in the crevices-do this every morning and night even if you did not wear makeup during the day
  • Tone-Do this after cleansing to neutralise your skin’s PH after using the cleanser-This is particularly good for oily skin as it prevents build up and will close up your pores.
  • Hydrate-drink 4 of the 50ml bottles of water everyday-Dehydration can cause your glands to produce more oil to take care of your skin where you are not hydrated enough.
  • Drink spearmint tea-apparently helps-not tested yet.

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