Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Carmex Vanilla lip balm Review

It is no surprise to anyone who lives in this part of the world that winter is a season of dry chapped lips.This season has the the unique ability to dehydrate any part of the skin or the body.Now when it comes to women,we are always working tirelessly to find a product that works best on any part of our skin to reduce signs of ageing which we can't avoid(unfortunately).

I recently came across Carmex which I have in the past before and lost it before I finished alll the product in it.I had the original flavour and was not really keen on monitoring progress but this time after a make up binge,I have successfully used a considerable amount and have my own verdict now.
I am talking about the vanilla Carmex lip balm if anyone is lost.

It has SPF 15,contains a number of ingredients including vanilla,petrolatum,seed butter,menthol etc
I have to say like many other beauty products,I'm not familiar with the rest of the ingredients and so I use it trusting that it will not be in anyway dangerous to my health.

I personally like this and cannot believe I did not continue using this when I first discovered it about 2 years ago in the original formula.The menthol in this makes it behave like a lip plumper which means my lip tingles after application,it stays moisturised and looks mildly plump which is useful if you don't have much tissue/muscle in your lip(tiny lips)

It's very moisturising and will definitely be buying extra ones as keepsakes in the mean time as it had been the only product which had been able to keep my lips moisturised this dry season.

My lips do not look chapped,dry,dehydrated and flaked like it used to.
My vote therefore is 5/5.

You can purchase any of the flavours on

PS:This post I'd not sponsored .
All opinions are personal.

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