Monday, 25 November 2013

Tea tree oil

I'd heard about tea tree oil many times but recently it it became very popular and I was practically running into that topic almost very week.I decided to give it a try and I am impressed-yes,I caught the love bug.
It has not got the most favourable scent ever but it does not smell bad either-overload can make it smell a bit funky though
It is light and almost pepperminty(just created a word there)
It's almost medicinal from my perception and it does have some wonderful healing properties
I am actually starting to believe that people don't review products because of sponsorship opportunities but because the product has helped them and they can't help but talk about it
This product has been a discovery for me and I am surprised I never tried it before
Test-I tested it on 3 different massive pimples I had on my chin,sideburns and forehead and I applied it for 2 nights and my face was smooth
I had to check for the pimples several times to make sure I wasn't deluded and I wasn't.It was gone within 48hours and the dark spots and mini bumps I had had disappeared altogether.
I don't believe in products but personal hygiene I believe but I am starting to understand the craze that surrounds beauty products and the enthusiasm with which women and some men now receive new products.
It's not their fault-they say find what works and stick to it,I have found mine,stuck with it for 9weeks and I plan to stick with it and introduce my kids to it in future.
Are you interested?
Check super drug or boots,Holland and Baretts or any online distributors
It's a great product and heals and smells good,gets rid of dandruff and dry scalp like they claim(tested)and wonderful all round
Try my latest discovery.

Ps:This is NOT sponsored-I bought this product myself 

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