Monday, 11 March 2013

Hair productsthat work for me-when I am natural


Jamaican Mango and Lime products

  • Mango and Shea butter lotion
  • Detangling and itch spray-smells so nice
  • Protein Conditioner
Organic Root Stimulator
  • Smooth and Hold Pudding-from any hair shops
Castor Oil for my edges
KTC brand-can be purchased from Tescos or Asda

Morroccan Argan Oil Styling Gel Eco styler-Slicks my edges but flakes when its dry


  • Olive oil
  • Kuza
  • Dax
The rest of the time,I do regular wash with shampoo and triple the amount of shampoo for conditioning and keep the conditioner in for 1 hour at least and I add olive oil and sometimes egg yolk or chocolate  or honey or avocado and then wash it out with warm or cold weather but never hot water as the eggs might scramble.
Then,I moisturise with any of the products above depending on what kind of look I am going for and finish off my with the Eco styler gel and a nice fine bristled brush (Tressemme) and tie my hair in a pony tail or sleek hair do or leave it curly in a twist out.
Thats about it.I thought I'd share my routine with you all.

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