Thursday, 24 January 2013

Michelle Obama:I'm proud of this woman for some reason

And its not because she's the first lady but ofcourse that was how I found out about her.She is impressive,may be full of flaws but she pulls it together and gets it going.
She looks like she will never waste time wallowing or dwelling on disappointments and set backs.Her family raised her fact ,very well...I'd love for her to be my mentor in Law School or something.....seriously,she is very graceful.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that stands out to me about her is the fact that she is herself. She seems to not care about how a first lady is supposed to act or what she is expected to do. She just does her own thing. She's the first in a long line of first ladies I've seen that pulls of the "perfect wife" façade. She fist-pumps, goes to events where she doesn't mind getting her hands dirty and she even bends down, picks up, and throws confetti up in the air when they announced her husband would be running a 2nd term. It's nice when ppl are just real and themselves.

    Tell the World


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