Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Happy New Year....2013:)

What are you  going to be doing different this year...Answers below please????
I will personally aim to get a career instead of doing jobs....so help me God.


  1. i shall be graduating from college by the special grace of God :) happy new year sweetie!!!

  2. Amen Sis!
    I want a career as well.
    I am going to take less offense. I am pretty sensitive soul and so offense has been the brunt of my heartache.
    I am going to wait on the LORD. I'm applying for work, sharpening my cover letters and resumes, however, I am not going to tire myself finding a job when God already has the perfect work somewhere.

  3. Happy New Year, Matilda! I'm hoping for waist length hair (among other things) in 2013. :)

  4. Happy New Year! I am going to throw my desires into the universe and werk ;-)

    Also, I recently launched my eyewear line, Enerjiee , I'd appreciate it if you check it out!

    Confessions Of A City Girl


Thanks for the reading and commenting
Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.xx