Thursday, 2 August 2012

Rape-Sexual to deal with it

Growing up,I have had many instances where I have felt disrespected and assaulted by men and I have wondered how I could have dealt with that.Some of these men have been strangers whilst others have been people I have known and entertained as friends.
I have been cornered and suppressed a few times by men and it is only God who has delivered me out of those circumstances and kept me in Grace to keep my head high.
I came accross this topic because lately sexual assault has been coming up so I decided to address it.
Yesterday,I was thinking of the length of sentence a woman receives in case she killed someone  as a response to rape or sexual assault and my friends discussed the recent story of a lady who  received a sentence of 16yrs a few weeks ago for killing someone who tried to rape and killed him out of self-defense.
I would not advice any of these methods but pray for God to save and deliver you from such attacks....If it comes to this however and you feel powerless and need escape...choose these but do not put yourself in a situation where you would have to deal with these.
Some defenses-

  • Jab in the crotch with the knee
  • Pepper Spray
  • Rapex-mostly used in South Africa

Fang- teeth liked protection inserted like a tampon that attaches to a man's organ and  has to be removed by a doctor if they try to rape a woman.
The woman inserts it like a tampon, with an applicator, and any man who tries to rape the woman impales himself on the barbs and must go to an emergency room to have the Rapex removed.
When critics complained that it was a medieval punishment, Ehlers replied tersely, “A medieval device for a medieval deed.” 
- Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof

A word to the wise is enough,avoid circumstances where you would have to deal with these but bear in mind that these only cripple a man for a few minutes and if he does recover,he will harm you or kill you so you have to be careful and extra vigilant even with the people you know.

If you have any suggestions or comments.Leave them below.You may not know who will read this post or who this will be useful to someday.

1 comment:

  1. lool the rapex story is a bit dodgy but funny.... Hopefully everyone will be more vigilant and discerning so that we won't have to deal with crooks like these


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