Thursday, 16 August 2012

Real Tecniques Brush set review:Samantha Chapman

Everyone knows make up brushes are quite expensive and are in essence investments considering how much money can potentially go into it.I have been searching for affordable ones that are sold in the UK and actually work well and I think Samantha Chapman of Pixiwoo fame just met that need.God bless her.
I bought this just weeks ago and I have been using this brush set for just over 3months and I have to tell you  I am impressed.
The hype about this product is an honest one and more people need to be using it.
The precision that comes with the brushes is brilliant.
They don't create unnecessary streaks like some brushes do and I say this because some of my E.L.F brushes do that(although not all) and it gets quite annoying sometimes to be honest but I will not go off on a tangent as I really want to praise Samantha Chapman(Pro make up Artist and Beauty Blogger) for doing a great job with the brushes.
My set is the starter set for eyes and have been using them for a while like a said and I have not regretted paying for it.It wasn't as expensive as I expected(BUY HERE) or HERE. or so thats even better and I know I will keep this for a long time(duh-no ones loses anything that is dear to them) but all the same I really love them and I think everyone should get them.
I used the brushes for the looks below

my own set of brushes
Mac Carbon eyeshadow and Max Factor Ultra Aqua(Earth spirits eyeshadow)

I used the brushes to create this look a few weeks ago:)simple liner and pink lips

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