Wednesday, 11 April 2012

What have you learnt from me so far?

I like to monitor my usefulness and how helpful I have been to people to see if I am making any progress or "blessing people".This is the reason why I am doing this post.I am also doing it so I can find out what you wanna know and offer you help if I can.
So far,I have noticed from feedback that people like natural hair and skin care posts as well fashion ones which is what I wanna talk about....I also wanna do features,reviews,DIY's and some photography work so please do let me know how my blog has helped you so I can keep it coming.Thanks loves.

1 comment:

  1. I reckon photography is quite interesting as well as features so wouldn't mind if you did them...wud be nice if you interviewed people on your blog...its always nice to hear other people's views...
    I knw of this lady who talks about what she's learnt within a period of time so wouldn't mind if you shared yours with us...below is a far I like your blog...quite interesting to read!



Thanks for the reading and commenting
Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.xx