Saturday, 28 April 2012

Hair update:I just did a fringe weave and I love it.

Yes I hair has been exposed to this rain for a good while now so I decided I'd do a hair maintenance style for a while if I want some hair on my head by summer.My hairdresser is like a don in Perry Barr(Birmingham) and she's been doing my hair for a while....she's actually bias here whatsoever....feel free to tell me I'm beautiful under the photos below...
Did you notice my lipstick...I bought the Pink Plaid Matte MAC Lipstick one of you recommended on my blog just a while back...the painful thing is that it makes my teeth look yellow(which lipstick doesnt)-I need teeth whitening tips,seriously,my teeth are starting to look like maize or corn.I do love the shape though(there's me being grateful for once...Enjoy...xoxo

going out for a Birthday dinner:)


  1. beautiful dear,love the lip color

  2. Looks good! Wishing I did that instead of cutting mine. Taking soo long to grow out!

  3. Really pretty!

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    Confessions Of A City Girl


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