Sunday, 1 April 2012

The glory of a woman is her hair:)

Lately,my glory feels so dry and looks unhealthy.It looks like it needs some sheen or nutrition or hydration or something.I mean I am constantly working to achieve the results I want which is healthy and long hair eventually but it seems my hair is taking its time to grow and I am 2yrs natural.I wish I could post a picture of my hair but its flat-ironed at the moment and doesnt quite quite give an accurate depiction of my hair growth....
I FEEL LIKE MY HAIR IS NOT GROWING.I'm almost tempted to relax it....hmm
Has anyone got any tips for maintaining hair and to get some life and sheen into your hair?
Does anyone have any protective styles I can do to relax my hair for a bit as I am going to be busy the next 2mnths because of my final exam???
Feel free to answer...I need ideas:)


  1. Coconut oil is really good for the hair, I've been using that for a while and the texture has changed, it's much softer....

    Dark and lovely leave in conditioning cream is great too.... I apply that onto my hair first and then use the coconut oil on top of that

    Olive oil products are also really good for shine

    As for protective styles...
    - Weave
    - Extensions
    - Wigs (Full lace/ lace front)

    I think wigs would be best for you because you'll be able to moisturise your hair daily whilst keeping it protected from the harshness of every day weather. It's something you should do daily to get the full effect... I'll probably do a post about hair soonish me thinks.. .may as well, I'll let you know when I do x

  2. No flat irons. Damaging the curl sis!
    Do twists and spray water into your hair. massage your scalp with grapeseed, jojoba, coconut oil. Don't be afraid to touch your hair. I think that is why my hair has maximized its potential because I was afraid to touch it. :D

  3. I moisturise my hair with "mango and lime shea butter lotion", twist it and wrap it in a satin scarf every night b4 bed. Sprinkled a bit of water on it last night coz it felt slightly dry...u can give it an extra shine with a bit of castor oil or any other oil u may have...

    I reckon less is more when it comes to ur hair...+ straightners are the devil....
    Finger comb ur hair always if u have the chance, I find its led to less breakage of my hair lately... + be patient...ur hair will grow...its taken me almost 5 yrs to have an almost big afro!


Thanks for the reading and commenting
Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions.xx