Thursday, 15 March 2012

Pink grapefruit lip butter review:Bodyshop

I have been into lip balms and lipsticks for a while and one of the lipbalms that I have used and can review is the Bodyshop Pink Grapefruit Lip Butter.I keep going back to it and it quite affordable as well at £4.
It has a great smell and it is very moisturising and it adds a touch of peachyness/milky-nudey appeal to your lips which I love as I dont really like strong colours on my lips.I have loved it for a while and I think anyone looking for a lip product that works should consider it.
Here's a link if you would like to purchase BODYSHOP
N.B:This is an honest review.I do not work for Bodyshop and I never have so no bias here whatsoever.

sourced from Bodyshop website

my own picture:)

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