Tuesday, 17 January 2012

MUA Nail polish/varnish

One beauty habit of mine is applying nail polish,its one of the only thing beauty-related that i dont find hard to do,mainly because i despise chipped and ugly looking nails....Now,when i think of nail polish,i aim for colours that are very universal and appropriate for church,serious settings as well as casual settings....yeahh(basically what i can wear to every function).
I have tried brands like opi,china glaze,revlon,ciate,nails inc etc but I find that they all chip after a few days and I am quite a domestic person so i usually need ones that will last for a while so i wont need to reapply so frequently. I must say it has taken me a while and now I have discovered MUA cosmetics and I bought one before i went to Holland and it worked to my satisfaction(consistency is on point)

  • It doesn't take long to dry
  • It doesnt chip
  • Very good consistency too

.....I was very pleased so I decided to get more and I did a swatch of another nice colour just a few days ago and wanted to recommend the nail polish for those of you who are interested......MUA nail polishes are the one and the great thing is that it is just a £1!!!
This is the website for those of you who are interested: MUA cosmetics

Shade 23


  1. Very subtle and classy color! Love it!

  2. love your nails, and that colour is beautiful

  3. hmm nice...looking forward to sharing...:-)

  4. Wow, you have really nice nails! It's cool that you like nail polish. That's one of the things I actually don't like very much. But maybe it's cause I never really found a good one. The color you chose is also quite nice! Wish I could get nail polish that cheap on this part of the planet!

    Tell the World

  5. Great colour, looks lovely on you!


  6. loving the nail polish, the colour looks great! Might try the MUA nail polishes :)


  7. By the way sis, I recently tagged you. Check out my blog for more info :)



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