Thursday, 12 January 2012

Avoid Parabens

I've been hearing about parabens for about 6months now and every one seems to think it is a very bad thing....i mean,if it were human,it'd have very few friends...Its an ingredient used in cosmetic and hygiene products to increase the shelf-life for those of you who don't know and it has been banned in some countries not in the UK or the Us and I think they are working on it.The reason I am talking about is that there have been concerns about that ingredient as it has been found to be in cancers of all kinds esp breast and ovarian cancer....I hate to bear bad news but i keep seeing it and it will only be nice of me if i shared it everyone.....Apparently,the less in a product,the better for your health and a lot of videos and websites have addressed and it has resurfaced again so i think this is quite a great the moral of the story is AVOID PARABENS....
Ps:....they usually appear after words like....methyl(paraben),propyl(paraben)....just take note...It wont kill you to avoid consuming toxic substances.

Here's a LINK if you wanna read more

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