Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year in Holland:)

I got here just a day ago to meet the rest of the family and this is actually my 1st time in Holland...I haven't seen a lot of places yet but I'd like to thank God for the opportunity to see a new place and meet new people.I've wanted to visit this place for such a long time but i could only make it this year....The new years is quite crazy around here....lots and lots of firecrackers(i think that needs to be regulated by the way-shrug shoulders)....wanna thank everyone who's been reading and supporting my blog and i hope i'm as useful to you in the new year as i was last year....will be exploring Netherlands for a week:)...cant wait....will upload pictures

the bathroom shot:-D


  1. Have a great time in Holland. Happy New Year!

  2. Holland? Wow.
    Have a nice time! Right now we are enjoying rain in the UK ;P

  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR babes! God Bless u and may He inspire u in a whole new way this year. Have fun in Holland!

    Tell the World

  4. Happy New Year, honey!I wish you all the best in 2012!

  5. You are blessed! Happy New Year.


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