Saturday, 31 December 2011

Happy New Year in Holland:)

I got here just a day ago to meet the rest of the family and this is actually my 1st time in Holland...I haven't seen a lot of places yet but I'd like to thank God for the opportunity to see a new place and meet new people.I've wanted to visit this place for such a long time but i could only make it this year....The new years is quite crazy around here....lots and lots of firecrackers(i think that needs to be regulated by the way-shrug shoulders)....wanna thank everyone who's been reading and supporting my blog and i hope i'm as useful to you in the new year as i was last year....will be exploring Netherlands for a week:)...cant wait....will upload pictures

the bathroom shot:-D

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Random post:I love Rebecca Ferguson

I looooove how she carries herself and puts herself together.She is very conscious of who she is and very admirable.I love how she dresses so i decided to mention her on my blog....:)For those of you who dont know her....she is a brilliant singer-songwriter and she was blessed with the opportunity to appear on the UK version of X-factor last year and she released a single just month or two ago....I'll post a video of her appearance on X -factor when her single was released.

All images sourced from google

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Merry Christmas everyone

Just wanna say thank you to all my followers.I really appreciate you for recognising my blog,giving me responses and feedback,educating me and being good friends.Its been a great year and I thank you for being a blessing to me.May God bless you and may you experience every joy and blessing that comes with this season.May peace and comfort rest with you and God's mercies take you back and forth even as you journey in this season and cheers to a very great year ahead....Feel free to do new and rewarding things.You will be surprised how many people love you and are ready to support.Take a brave step towards success and God will bring people to support and carry your vision.MERRY CHRISTmas:):):)

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Eye brow Threading...I finally did it

Here's a webcam pic of my eyebrows...sorry about the picture quality but i did the eyebrow threading and it was painful alright(I dont  think anyone told me that it feels like someone is cutting your skin slowly and carefully)lol....but I had to check my eyebrows several times during the threading to make sure i wasnt bleeding....very quick and painful process but the results are phenomenal.....the camera i used is quite bad but here's a picture.....:):):)

my eyebrow b4,tweezed by me

my  eyebrows after threading,done by someone

Monday, 12 December 2011

Random post:Solange

I really love this picture....I think its very lovely from head to toe...plz dont tell me i'm the only one who likes this picture???

Thursday, 8 December 2011

My hair is growing:)SMILES:)

wink wink......ok, so I had a little fit a while ago and complained about how my hair line was receding and asked for a solution and i had a few suggestions to try castor was quite a mixed review so I decided to try it to find out for myself and it has worked.My hair is actually growing(sorry I don't have pics now).It has definitely worked.So one of my readers,ZEYTIN advised that I rub the castor oil on that part of my hair every evening and TheBeaLane and Simplychic also recommended that I lay off weaves and uno hairstyles that pulls on my hair and because they have healthy hair,I decided to listen to them and apply it and its working....shout out to them and yeah,I will take a photo when I am decently dressed and show it to you guys.Thanks for you help

Monday, 5 December 2011

To be Extraordinary,you have to do extra

If you wanna be a word,check the

If you wanna be world-class,you have to be excellent
If you wanna be excellent,you have to be an expert
If you wanna be an expert,you have to be special
If you wanna be special,you have to be a specialist
If you wanna be a specialist,you have to specialise
If you wanna specialise,you have to be specific
If you wanna be specific,you have to be/choose/do one(1)

A very wise guy called Febi said this to me.....:)

Just saying.......Its all about purpose!!!Learn to function!!!

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Good read:Head on over to...

Ok,so every now and then,i read a blogpost from one of the bloggers I follow or stumble accross a very good post that gives me some if not a lot of wisdom or teaches me something that i dont necessarily know.It could be about anything and for people like those who write these posts, you can tell,that  they did some thinking before they decided to type SOOOO   for that reason they deserve a mention......Here's one of those....
I've been following someone's blog which is quite new and I 'm still not sure of the person's identity but i tell you....I read a lot of sensible and profound things all the time and I feel like I have  give her a mention whether she likes it or yes.....
So,this is the BLOG and this is the POST i just read....Head on over if you think you need to get some more wisdom(dont we all?)

A picture in her recent post.