Sunday, 27 November 2011

Eye brow Threading...yay or nay?

OK,so lately my eyebrows have been acting up and growing just anyhow.I don't know it started but its just not growing the way I want it to and when I use my tweezer on looks even thinner which is not too nice to me so I'm considering eyebrow tweezing since a good amount of people I know seem to love the finished product of a threaded brow and I certainly do too but I heard its so painful....I watched my friend do it the other time and I couldnt bear it...She was practically red on her forehead painful is it really?...Is it in anyway beneficial esp in the long term?If you have tried this,let me know....
nb:I have a programme to attend in 12 days and i need to look good....waiting for your response sweethearts:)

sourced from google


  1. All of my friends thread their eyebrows. They look great. They don't get irritated as long as the person knows what they are doing.
    I've never done anything to my eyebrows, never plucked/threaded, LOL I like my bushy brows.

  2. lool oh my! it hurts....1st time i did it i nearly wept like a baby bt then I stayed strong lool...but if the lady doesn't get too excited with threading dat it makes ur eyebrows thin, then u shd be fine...1st time will always hurt bt i think u get a bit used to it after a few more times

  3. I love getting my eyebrows thread. You just have to be picky choosing a lady to do it and when you find a good one, keep her! I've been doing mine for years.

    *Visit my site and enter my giveaway to win a Prada Gift set!

  4. Girl threading is the way to go. I'm not gonna lie its uncomfortable but the results are amazing, perfectly shaped brows.. I'm a threadaholic now and it doesn't hurt as much when you keep doing it!

  5. I threaded my eyebrows a few times.. But it was too painful for me to continue. I just pluck now.


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