Sunday, 13 November 2011

Church swag

I've just noticed that i havent done a church swag post in a long time,so i decided to do one.I had a training shift for a job at Lush today and had to go to church right after so i dressed down today....fortunately....yeah you read it right....I didnt get the job because I'm not bubbly enough....yeah...It was not my job to take so bring on the next interview and job offer....I would have loved a 50% staff discount on Lush products though still but yeah(clears throat)
Anyway.....enjoy the pictures and feel free to leave love-filled comments:)
@Bea...this is the state of my hair atm
Black trousers-Warehouse
Bag-Asos,Kitson brand
Flats -Brandalley,Menghi brand


  1. nice...i like da hair & jacket...2 bad u didn't get da job...but all things work together 4 good still...i like!!

  2. such beautiful coat!
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