Sunday, 27 November 2011

Eye brow Threading...yay or nay?

OK,so lately my eyebrows have been acting up and growing just anyhow.I don't know it started but its just not growing the way I want it to and when I use my tweezer on looks even thinner which is not too nice to me so I'm considering eyebrow tweezing since a good amount of people I know seem to love the finished product of a threaded brow and I certainly do too but I heard its so painful....I watched my friend do it the other time and I couldnt bear it...She was practically red on her forehead painful is it really?...Is it in anyway beneficial esp in the long term?If you have tried this,let me know....
nb:I have a programme to attend in 12 days and i need to look good....waiting for your response sweethearts:)

sourced from google

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Receding hairline:(:(:(

Weave messed up my hair.....:I'm very sad about that....gosh...If you know a solution...hook me up...we are all God's me some love(wink wink)

I dont wanna get this...that wierd fade effect:(

excuse the stuff on my bed but can you see the hair?gosh I'm unhappy.I need your help!!!

Monday, 14 November 2011

She hits the nail on the head

I love this ''segment'' on my blog because every now and then,i realise that there is someone i follow who can cover up their body so nice and they actually inspire and educate me....I think a beautiful girl or woman is one with a good character but she is the one who covers up well and decently flatters her shape and demonstrates the effort she puts into looking presentable....This girl is a very good example of that and she keeps impressing me...She deserves a mention and yeah I'd actually shop her wardrobe if she'd allow me:)...still waiting for her blog shop(wink)
Visit her for me please....Poised in Pose

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Church swag

I've just noticed that i havent done a church swag post in a long time,so i decided to do one.I had a training shift for a job at Lush today and had to go to church right after so i dressed down today....fortunately....yeah you read it right....I didnt get the job because I'm not bubbly enough....yeah...It was not my job to take so bring on the next interview and job offer....I would have loved a 50% staff discount on Lush products though still but yeah(clears throat)
Anyway.....enjoy the pictures and feel free to leave love-filled comments:)
@Bea...this is the state of my hair atm
Black trousers-Warehouse
Bag-Asos,Kitson brand
Flats -Brandalley,Menghi brand

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Hairstyle on my mind???

I miss this hairstyle soooo much...I'm thinking of getting it done again since its raining so much lately:(


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Y'all know i love Asos

Well....they are doing a 25% off student discount....Just wanted to tell you guys....need some things???pop over and get your discount...This is the highest student they've ever given so pleeeease take advantage of it:ASOS