Thursday, 1 September 2011

Emeli Sande....walk away!!!

Have you ever got to a point in any friendship or relationship where you think going seperate ways is most likely what God would want for you cos you clearly dont seem to be on the same page....Unless two agree,they cannot walk together(Amos 3:3).....
You cant have a future if your dreams are different from the that dilemma ringing bells?....Learn to walk away from it if its not working(that is if its not a relationship that is built on honouring God and His temples....TRUST ME!!!!!!!......this song by this renowned songwriter reminded me of this but of course I had to add GOD  to it as I do with everything(wink)...

I will talk about purpose in relationships someday...enjoy this song...Btw...she's just been nominated for The Best Newcomer Award for this year's MOBO'S...:)


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