Thursday, 29 September 2011

Blog neglect feels like child neglect

I've been MIA for a while....relocated to a new place in Birmingham and i still dont have internet....It should get installed tomorrow then i can come back on here and get going with blogging(excited)...btw,please forgive:D.....I hope you miss me(hoping)

Monday, 19 September 2011

Love this collection....Philip LIM

I love how he explains his carft....Its just beautiful to watch this.....there's something peaceful,pure,young and feminine about this collection...enjoy!!!

Asos mail.....gotta love it

I LOVE ASOS!!!! you?

Sunday, 18 September 2011

God is not a genie

Stop wishing cos God aint a genie...its better to communicate and express your needs than sit there and wish....its like wishing for your parents to get you something....If you dont tell them,they will never know.....yeah,i know God knows already but He's asking you to ask,THEN you'll receive...I dont know why you are just sitting there......GET PRAYING!!!!

sourced from google

Thursday, 15 September 2011

If you wanna ruin my chances...try and win this

Head on over to this Invashionista's blog...there is $150 dollar gift code giveaway on KRANICHS.COM...there's no point in talking about this when there's a lready a post on visit the blog and see if you win....GOOD LUCK!!!!

Monday, 12 September 2011

I had to repost this....:)

I've just read a post from For the fabolous and frugal and i'm very glad...She just posted a ntural hair poem and video and I just thought every now and then,you need someone to encourage you to keep going...Its so true sometimes the comments people make when they see your natural hair but this is God made and we have to love our hair like other races love their hair...take pride in what God gave you.....I love the bit where the lady says..."we don this essence because we are rare".. .love your hair no matter what background you are from and dont go to unnecessary and extreme lengths to look like the other girl from another ethnic background...get me?no point!!!!

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Autumn staple:jean legging

I have a few of these and they are just beautiful....
  • Hasnt got the tight-feel of regular denim jeans
  • Very supple and stretchy
  • Love the feel plus it can handle cold/cold breeze....what else do you want?
I dont work for gap btw...I'd love to find a job there tho still....enjoy the vid:)

I got a tumblr guys;)

yeah so i decided to start a tumblr....another platform(thats just how i see it)please feel free to follow if you have one....:)
my tumblr

here are few posts already

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Live fashion:Vogue fashion night 2011

I'm watching Vogue Fashion Night 2011 currently on youtube...If you are interested in fashion...go & watch it on the youtube mainpage...its a beautiful night in Paris and they are broadcasting it live...its actually been going on since 6pm this evening  so yeah...:)Just saying

Hide God's word in your heart!!!

Fashion design...i like this craft

I  just feel like posting this...sorry i havent posted for a while...I had a little mind-block.....i'm restored

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Sheer madness in spring:)loved it

Last days to bring out the sheers and was a very lovely spring this year...very colourful infact...I noticed the sheer trend was everywhere and it was practically a rainbow outside and on runways....just wanted to tell you that i really enjoyed it and cant wait to get back into my wardrobe next year(God-willing)....

  • myself
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4,I need this dress:)

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Emeli Sande....walk away!!!

Have you ever got to a point in any friendship or relationship where you think going seperate ways is most likely what God would want for you cos you clearly dont seem to be on the same page....Unless two agree,they cannot walk together(Amos 3:3).....
You cant have a future if your dreams are different from the that dilemma ringing bells?....Learn to walk away from it if its not working(that is if its not a relationship that is built on honouring God and His temples....TRUST ME!!!!!!!......this song by this renowned songwriter reminded me of this but of course I had to add GOD  to it as I do with everything(wink)...

I will talk about purpose in relationships someday...enjoy this song...Btw...she's just been nominated for The Best Newcomer Award for this year's MOBO'S...:)