Friday, 12 August 2011

The thick eyeliner

sourced from google
I like the thick eyeliner look....but it can be tricky & messy can easily smudge....The trick is to make the eye the focal point unless you want to add extra umph to the look by making a strong statement with the lips(bold lip)....or making the rest of the face almost insignificant in regards to the overall look...I've been doing this for a while and it it!!!


  1. I like da winged eyeliner bt mine neva looks da way i want it to...might try nicole richie's look today for church...luv it!!

  2. Eye liner is a significant part of my look...I have tried the thick looks and stumbled upon the winged look a few all, you are right, it can get quite messy!! I will have to work on my eye liner skills to avoid smudging! Thanks for sharing!



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