Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Fur Lovin

This winter weather has been beating me like mad so I have decided to go back to my sweet loving fur coat that has protected in the past and obviously layer is some more with some thick layers beneath.
The past week,I wore this prior yo switching my outfit for church clothes.

H&m olive scarf
No make up
Lipstick-Laura Mercier
Asos fur coat
Zara jeans in size 8
Bag-Dorothy Perkins
Ankle boots from Asos
Hair-premium 2 weave in colour 2

&other Stories

If you need anything,&other stories is doing a good old sale and they are border line cos and zara so quality is assured.I just felt like influencing you a little.
Jump on the website here:Here

Friday, 3 January 2014

Collagen in a tub

This is my 2nd post for 2014 and I am surprised I am not talking about something deep and profound but rather this topic which is quite shallow of an opinion to me but I just found a tub of face cream on my vanity that says youth restore and contains collagen.
Before I proceed,I'd like to say I paid for this and I believe it may have been one of the selling points since I had noticed at the time of purchase that my skin was not co-operating like it used to.
I did not however use it until now.

Now,I have heard collagen a few times in my lifetime and I know women use it to perform some sort of magic on their face but I ve never really found out what until the past hour.
It reduces wrinkles and I do not have any wrinkles yet but I think it does something else.
I have been using this product from Avon for the past week and my skin  has felt healthy and looked healthy and kind of plump.

I understand that collagen is a type of protein that is found in mammals that strengthens the skin and holds it in place to reduce the saggy-ness.The ability of the skin to produce collagen reduces with age which causes wrinkles so I can sort of see how it can possibly keep the skin plump and youthful.

I dont have proof that it is the doing of this product but it is the only product I have used in the last few days that is not part of my routine.
Here are pictures below but if you believe in skincare magic then ,try this particular product or any other with collagen in it and let us know what you find out.

Welcome to 2014

I posted a video on my youtube to welcome you all to 2014.The holidays were ok for me and I looked forward to 2014 a lot.I feel more positive as we've entered the new year and II am expecting some wonderful things to happen in my personal life as well as everything else I am involved it.
My 2013 resolutions were fairly accomplished,I accomplished most of them by the Grace of God and I am super grateful for it which is why I am assured that this year can only be better.
For this year:I want to live a purposeful and happy and fruitful life that glorifies God so enjoy it as it unfolds and the story is told.