Thursday, 11 April 2013

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Today's wisdom

I heard this from somewhere but I dont remember where;

You can never be free from their criticism until you no longer seek their praise.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Church OOTD

Spring is almost here,well in the UK.Its actually taking its time and I wish I knew why...I decided to post an OOTD because its been a while but I only managed to get one good picture after many attempts.We thank the Lord still.Happy Belated Easter by the way.I spent mine at a 3-day Easter convention in London.It was lovely.Its good to change environment every now and then.Its very refreshing:)
Lipstick-Mac Pink Plaid
Earrings-Won a  giveaway but it is from Kranichs
Necklace-courtesy of dad