Friday, 29 June 2012

Selling on my Ebay Shop

Guys if you are interested,I have some things for sale on my EBAY SHOP.I just thought  to let you know just in case you are interested.
I have to move to a different house and my stuff is quite a lot so over the next few days,I will be adding more things to my ebay shop so I can sell some things I have never used or rarely use.

What I have on there at the moment:

  • Zara flats in UK size 4
  • Guess Silver Necklace
  • Faith high heels in Uk size 5

Pastel loving

I looove what she's wearing....eventhough I dont really like what she's about...(thumbs down)

cleary this picture was not taken by me...:D

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Long time....:)

I'm having a writer's block at the moment so bear with me even as I figure wonderful things to put on me blog....hope you are all well???

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Awesome Blogger Award

I just received this award from Funbi of I guess I am doing a brilliant job at blogging.The rules are very simple;tell us 7 facts about yourself and tag 7 other people to do the here goes:

  • I am in my early twenties eventhough most people think I am a teenager.
  • I am a social network geek.
  • I have just completed a law degree....I am actually quite a serious person.
  • I am very opportunistic and quite ambitious.
  • I like taking on responsibilities,projects etc.
  • I like people who demonstrate excellence in their skill or talent.
  • I looooove handling and spending money:)
I tag....THEBEALANE and Moi Meme

Pastel nail polishes

I just saw these polishes and I'm kinda drooling...Lately my eyes have been noticing a lot of lilacs and I intend to incorporate into my style esp for this summer.
Pastels are very good as fashion pieces and they add some colour and height to swag especially if you are not into colour like me.What I intend to do is go for colourful nail polishes so I wont have to invest in colourful clothes so I thought it'd be a good suggestion to try that as well....
Take a look at these....
What nail colours yours are you gonna be using this summer?

These are Thakoon for Nars and are £14 each here

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

My 200th post-Playing with Picasa

Sooo.....I've been staying at home lately and getting up to very little and I have just been looking at creative ways to improve my blog and make it something that I can be proud of since I am reaching milestones each time I post and all I could think of was use images so I started by watermarking and editing here and there and I came up with this nice picture:)....enjoy
Contact me on Twitter@Texttextiles.