Sunday, 31 July 2011

Church swag???

My friend once told me her mom told her to dress nice for church like she was gonna meet Jesus.....when she said that,i thought decent yet attractive at the time....I dont think any different now but I do think decent is more important than looking attractive.....i seriously like how some people dress for church...i remember growing up & didnt have a clue what to wear sometimes so i'd just try and copy the older girls but now,i try to look decent and church appropriate with a bit of are a few pictures...(i'm still compiling)...sorry about the picture quality...:|...I think I will introduce a segment on here actually....


my sister

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Pray or worry?

"If you pray about it,dont worry about it....
If you worry about it,dont pray about it"...Thats how it should go...people....check yourselves!!!!

sourced from google

Monday, 25 July 2011


Who's watching Britain's next top model atm?the last time i watched it...this girl won....I've forgotten her name....but i think she is stunning!!!looking forward to watching this season's....something else to do for the summer i guess....

When i feel like i havent got a clue what to do.....

I blog,i write,i sing,i research for inspiration...I really wanna feel useful and active and engaged or i feel so dull and my life feels empty....The devil always has work for idle hands and I've noticed that,that feeling of idleness increases especially in the summer....soooo....pardon me for the blogging overload:)thanks guys:)
sourced from google

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Blackberry fool

...I think this dessert has an interesting name..I only saw this today and it sounded funny...I cant believe i've never heard of this.....:|

Friday, 22 July 2011

Ridiculously brave

Wow,I just found the most ridiculous ad or campaign on modelliberation's blog.Its very true but its very brave of the girl in the ad...Its actually almost funny but a serious topic....i LOLed tho when i saw it....she is nuts:)

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

1st Presenting Gig:);):)

I've just been going through my pictures and thinking of pictures that will be suitable for my blog as I'm having trouble on deciding what to post on here.I want this blog to be spontaneous and not restricted to one i decided to post a picture of my first hosting/emceeing or presenting it is.....It was very nerve wrecking in the beginning but I overcame the nerves:Thank GOD!!!!...this was in January and I plan to do it again very soon as I've noticed that I have a flair for it and people seem to trust me with stuff like that...however that was my first formal and official one in a very serious environment...It was a good one and I thank God for presenting me with that opportunity....It was a youth organisation called Streams of Gladness I'll post close ups when I start feeling comfortable about close up shots......
Just before we started...getting acquainted with the band


 I've been thinking of what to do to my hair....I have box braids atm but I will be taking my hair out soon and I need a different hairstyle.....I need my hair to grow cos i left my hair out for a long time and it started getting funny so i need to replenish that by protective yeah.....
My sister just did my cousin's hair and i feel like that should be my next hairstyle.....should or should not.....?

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Les Twins

I love these guys....I've been watching for a good while now but i remember this was the first perfomance i saw of them.They are amazing and i've been seeing them making apperances on shows lately.They have also been performing with Beyonce lately....If anyone is a dancer,i think they should get a few tips from them cos they inspire me and i'm not even a dancer.....

I won a Jergens moisturise from Fleurdeforce

           I won a Jergens body moisturiser the other day from fleurdeforce and she emailed me asking me for my address so she could post it to me.It took about a week so i thought she was not gonna send it until I came back home last night to find it..I was so happy....soooo looking forward to using it....apparently it works wonders on the face so i'm excited.....Its a newly introduced product by Jergens by the way and jergens products are usually on the pricey side for me so i'm glad i got one for free(wink*)'s the the way,this is the first time i've won anything:)
Can i just say,the best thing about the product so far is the green tez extract in it as well as it being paraben-free(bonus)...will let you know how it works.

Friday, 8 July 2011

My new favourite song:Beyonce

  This woman understands work ethic.She keeps going and makes things look pleasant even if it really is not the case.She is a legend and I admire her!!!!

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Optimist:Up and coming star:)

This guy used to be one of my buddies in college...He moved back to London and He really is pursuing His Dream...I just found this video on his facebook page and very impressed with his progress....feel free to check and suppport on facebook(optimist fan page)....thats his page name on's the video that impressed me today....Oh Happy Dayyy:)