Tuesday, 28 June 2011

I'm back:)

Hi guys...loll.....this time i came to talk about some of my favourite bolgs.My interests vary so pardon me...here goes....:)

These blogs have been very useful to me so I feel they deserve more recognition....enjoy it cos they are gonna very useful!!!!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Stand with Christ

 I've only got one thing for you guys today.I know this is not what i promised this blog was gonna be about but it will help someone so i will post it regardless.:)

Friday, 17 June 2011

New Beginnings

Dont despise new beginnings....thats all i wanna tell you for now guys:)...support and lift someone whom you believe has potential!!!

Sunday, 12 June 2011


I have just visited a website a few people have recently spoken about incl.Shirley B Eniang.I also saw a pop up of it minutes ago in my browser so i decided to check it and i've just found a sandal i bought from brandalley which took 3weeks(felt like forever) to get to me....it was only £11 though incl vat and i have just found it on.......zalando for £22.....i guess it was worth the wait.
Both websites are gonna be my favourite from now.Feel free to jump on the sales of both websites if you see no point in paying full price....lollll.

Friday, 10 June 2011


This is the first post for this blog.It'll be about diy projects,fashion,possibly make up and photography cos i'm into these things atm:)....a warm welcome to everyone:)